Scary Face!


Hi! This picture is from 2008 (good times!) and the human said it was perfect for today's post! 
That's right, no costume for me. Last year I asked the human why all my friends could dress and me or the children here can't. She said some people in this place "think it's not good, but you're free to do it, just that nobody will give you candy or anything.". 
Oh! and then, I saw on TV people in the city were doing "Haunted Houses" for adults!  Yeah, people in this country are weird...

Remember, friends, people do weird things in Halloween, like stealing pets for bad purposes, so stay at home, specially if you're a black dog or cat (my cousing dog Blackie has to stay at home, too), We're safe here, I hope you have a happy Halloween!

4 comentarios:

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a great picture! Happy Halloween to you too!!!

Clooney said...

That is an excellent scary face. You'z not really missing much with the Halloween, well except for Num-Nums and pranks. If I make it to Costa Rica will you go on my golf cart tour with me?

Pirulo Furry said...

Oh, my dear, eres demasiado bella para asustar con tu carita *SUSPIRO*. Me encantaria ir a Costa Rica algun dia, dicen que el clima es siempre fresco. Como soy muy peludo me encanta estar en sitios frescos. A mi no me gusta el Halloween, asi que me quede en mi casita bien guardadito. Saludos.

Stellaluna said...

Happy Halloween, Brian! I hope you got lots of treats!

Cloon, I hope you come someday to the Country Club, I want to know how it looks like too, MOL! It seems you can watch some pics on the website!

Ojala puedas venir tu también, Pirulo! El clima es fresco casi todo el año, dice la humana que te recomienda que vengas entre Diciembre y Abril!

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