Food and Treats

Hey everyone! Guess what. The human was in the United States for the whole week and I didn't realized! I needed to tell her to buy me treats! All she brought me was a chocolate box...I DON'T EAT CHOCOLATE! Maybe she thought they were for Tamir...hmm..

You may ask why I get so...happy when I get treats, that's because humans in this country don't care about importing important things from other countries, like delicious cat food and treats.

Someone, I don't remember who, sent me a can of "Fancy Feast" once (like, two years ago)
I was like, what's this?
But when I tasted it, it was awesome, and I wanted more, but the human didn't gave me, because of course there was no more!

It's just not fair that I can eat this things just once in a while*, while humans get all the things they like from other countries all the time! Humans have to do something!

They get everything from other countries in those big supermarkets, but the human says she haven't seen cat food or treats other than the ones we get here, BUT she has seen dog treats! :(

I wonder what should I do, do you have a problem like this in your country? Or you can buy food and treats near your home?

*Yeah, I know you don't have to eat treats everyday, but it will be nice to have them so the human can give me treats

9 comentarios:

Stellaluna said...

Pfft! La traducción de este post! "El hombre" en vez de "La humana" xD! Bueno, ahora lo saben, la humana, no Paw...

Admiral Hestorb said...

I can get my treats and food neat my home and my favorite is Fancy Feast and Royal Canin. I am so glad to see you again.

Purrs and head bonks

Lorenza said...

Entiendo muy bien de lo que hablas! Aqui donde vivo no hay tiendas para animales. Ni una sola!
Yo tengo que comer comida especial por mi problema de la tiroides y ahora del riñon y afortunadamente hay una farmacia veterinaria que lo importa de EEUU. Es muy caro pero mi mama dice que no importa con tal de que me haga bien.
Los premios que hay son de los que fabrican el alimento para perros. Son de muy mala calidad y no me gustan para nada!
Mis bloggiamigos solian enviarme delicios premios hace algun tiempo y gracias a ellos supe que habia mejores cosas en este mundo para mi! Pero, hace algun tiempo que no recibo ninguno asi que mi mama decidio hacerlos para mi. Nada de conservadores y bien naturales!
En internet hay sitios donde puedes encontrar buenas recetas y bien faciles de hacer. Ojala te puedan hacer algunas.
Feliz fin de semana!

Alina Echo Valo said...

Por suerte sí podemos. Hay varias tiendas cerca de casa.

Rosi said...

Estás muy guapa en estas fotos !
nosotros si, tenemos la suerte de que en nuestro pueblo aunque es pequeño hay muchas tiendas para comprar comida golosinas y de todo para los animales,

Gris said...

Do i have the same problem? hmmm...well, i buy lupe's food in the internet and they send it form canada and i buy it's toys in the states..they send them as well jejejejeje shit is, you mut pay for the shipment..but i believe it to be worth it!

Stellaluna said...

Hi Admiral! It's nice to see you again too, I hope you don't have to visit the vet again!

Lorenza, supongo que el problema esta en toda Latinoamerica, talvez a la gente no le interesa traer ese tipo de cosas, aunque los productos nuevos de Estados Unidos duran unos cuantos meses en llegar a los supermercados de aquí, pero comida para perro o gato que no sea hecha aquí (por compañías nacionales), Pedigree y Purina (hay otra pero no recuerdo el nombre), no existe...

Hacerlas tu misma es muy buena idea, la humana se compró un hornito, asi que solo le falta buscar recetas.

Gris...pero, espera, vives en España! El shipping debe ser extra-caro! D: Al menos vivo mas cerca (y el que hacen de aquí es desde miami), y talvez me cobren menos, suena bien...Anila y Pruno tambien viven en España y si pueden comprar, supongo que deberías preguntarles :V

Rosi said...

hoy soy yo quien viene a ofrecerte un reto, lo acepetas ?

Nadbugs said...

Bugs here, sitting out a winter storm in Arkansas USA, just dropped in to say hola via the Pets Blogroll and congratulate both of us on making the cut. So on the subject of treats, my human told me the other day that she was in the health-food store and she noticed this on the "discontinued" shelf: Bake your own cat treats. Did she get it for me? No. Why not? Because it cost $12.00 US? Because she won't cook food for herself, so how likely is it she'd bake treats for me?

Humans have no judgment, no taste, no culture. Hi-4 to you, we cats know what we're talking about.

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