(Another) Challenge

Hi again friends! I have so much to tell, but the camera won't upload pictures if I don't have a Memory Stick Port or something, and I don't like pictureless posts. Should I keep doing doodles until we get to upload pictures?

So, my friend Pruno sent me this challenge (I think we called them "memes" back in the day, right?): answer this few questions and you get a seal (not that kind of seal)!

Name: Stellaluna :3

Some music: Paw says this is my theme song, because I'm so mysterious and that!

Mood: Worried because I don't know how to get all my pics on the computer :(

Color: Orange, I guess, yay for ginger/cream cats!

Favorite Season: Dry season, of course! It's so fresh and with little rain, I can go outside all day, take naps and feel the wind! Wet season sucks because, well, the countryside gets ruined and the beaches too and you can never go outside...

How do you prefer to travel? I have never traveled, except when I go to the Vet. But I like to go to the other houses and say hi to the humans in the neighbors!

A phrase you use frequently: "Stupid dog." (Not you, my woofie friends! I watch way too much videos of humans making dogs do silly stuff on Youtube...)

What do you think about the seal? It looks delicious! I like it, I will show it to everybody:
Cute, isn't it?

You can do it if you want, too!

3 comentarios:

Gris said...

Lol! i really like your song you misterious cat! i hope you get to solve the problems iwth the pictures asap!

Admiral Hestorb said...

You dear and pretty baby girl! Mommy wants to pet you and I'll snuggle if you want to.

Rosi said...

gracias por haber participado, así nos conocemos y contamos un poco más,
debí imaginar que tu color sería el naranja, tú también eres un poquito naranjita suave !
y te felicito por tu canción favorita, muy original
besitos Stellaluna y mimitos de Pruno para ti

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