What is yoo?


Miz Stella: I iz Miz Stella, come to control yer werld! to pulay wif yoo!


Stella: Iz yoo reel?

Miz Stella: Yoo fink I'm aren't?

Stella: Mom! There's a stuffy talking to mez! HALP!

Mom: What's wrong Stella? Oh, you met Miz Stella, izn't see adorable? It put her so yoo can go fur a ride!


Stella: No! Mom what you doin'?

Miz Stella: We gonna be best frends!

I'm purrticipatin' in an Brownie's adventure contest, choose my best dress and the chosen one will be in a Brownies adventure on monday! YOU CAN SEE THE HEER, then you can vote here! (the first one you can see it here:)
[polldaddy poll="774044"]

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