Today is Livestrong Day, today we promote cancer awareness. Milo and Alfie couldn't explain it better:

Cat (and Dog) Bloggers around the World are working together to promote LiveStrong by going YELLOW on their blogs on October 2nd 2010. All bloggers are invited to join in! Our message is FOCUS, NEVER give up HOPE, Have a FIGHTING attitude, have COURAGE and know we ALL SUPPORT you. LIVESTRONG! We believe in the POWER of the PURR! Love Milo and Alfie xx =^..^= =^..^=
There are many ways to join, I decided to paint my orange coat yellow today (well, Photoshop it)
Yellow is so cool! I think I want to be yellow for a day!

I think I should be grateful today, as nobody in my family had lost the fight with cancer, so I live among survivors, who are STRONG had COURAGE and NEVER give up. 

I am purraing for all the cats who lost friends and family members because of cancer, cancer is horrible, I mean: you're happy with your family, so why take them away and make us sad? Cancer, you're so mean :(

There are many ways you can help Today:

  • Go YELLOW to help raise awareness, by WEARING YELLOW, or turning yoor blog YELLOW today or during October!
  • Or donate via the LIVESTRONG website (there are lots of giving options).
  • Attend a LIVESTRONG EVENT in yoor area.
  • Do a fund-raising event for LIVESTRONG yoorself!
  • Make a purchase from the LIVESTRONG online store (or a store near yoo selling LIVESTRONG items)
  • Wear yoor LIVESTRONG wrist band wiv pride.
  • Say a PURRayer for Vic at Zoolatry and ALL the other hoomans and animals fighting cancer.

Don forget to add your linky at Cats of Wildcat Woods, and spread the word, lots of people in the world need it!

1 comentarios:

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Thank you from our hearts for supporting LIVESTRONG day by going yellow.

Blessing to all those who are currrently fighting cancer, are cancer survivors, or who have lost their lives to this terrible disease.


Love from Milo and Alfie, Mom-Jan and Dad xxxx

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